Hüseyin Bilal
Hi, my name is Hüseyin Bilal. I professionally play basketball. My goal is to be a basketball player in NBA.
Hi, my name is Hüseyin Bilal. I professionally play basketball. My goal is to be a basketball player in NBA.
Hi. My name is Seyit Furkan. I was born and grew up in Istanbul. I have been interested in technology since I was little. I try to improve myself every day in this regard. I want to be an engineer in the future. I also plan to be an important person.
Hi everyone! My name is Muhammet Emir Dilekoğlu and everyone calls me Emir. I am studying in Pendik Ömer Çam Anatolian Religion High School. My hobbies are playing soccer, intelligence games and some kind of video games. My biggest dream is to be a dentist. I will be working to achieve my goals and improving my English here.
Hi! I am Hasan Kerem LERMİOĞLU. I study at Ömer Cham High School and I am at 9th grade. I will be writing about football.
My name is M.Emin. I’m sixteen and I’m a student at a high school. I am from Samsun/Türkiye. I’m a social person, I usually join courses, activities, groups etc. because I want to learn new things also I want to have many memories. I’m interested in history and new places in the world. My favorite lesson is history. I haven’t decided my future job yet but my purpose is become a helpful person.
Hello, my name is Ismail Erkam Körpe. I am sixteen years old. I have been studying in Ömer Çam High Scool for 1.5 years. My hobbies are sport and technology.
My name is Salih. I’m in Omer Cam High School. I live in İstanbul/Pendik. I’m playing football and guitar.
Hello my name is mehmet im studying in Omercam imamhatip high school and i like my school and i like my teacher i want to join this program by the way my best hobbie is playing basketball because i am playing really good
Hi, I’m Enes. I am fifteen years old and I am studying at Ömer Çam High School. I am interested in football and technology. I will write about travel this year, I hope you’ll like my articles.
My name is Kerem Yalçın. I was born in Pendik, Istanbul in 2008. My hometown is Karabük. I am a 9th grade student at Ömer Çam High School. My hobbies are ordinary things like taking photographs, watching movies, listening to music.