

About The Population

Although China claims East Turkestan’s population is 11 million, it must be much larger than this as according to the latest population census which was done seventy years ago, its population was around 7 million. So, according to the analyses the actual population is around 30-35 million. East Turkestan is rich in underground resources such as coal, iron, gold, and gas. This richness is one of the main reasons why China has occupied East Turkestan.

The Hero of East Turkestan: Osman Batur

His real name is Osman Islamoglu. The name “Batur” was given by the people. He was born in Altay. Before the age of 10, he was a good rider and a master hunter. In 1940, when the Chinese administration increased its pressure, he took his gun and went to the mountain alone. He continued the struggle he started alone until he was executed on April 29, 1951, in Urumqi.

During the 2nd World War, with the strengthening of the pressures against the Turks in East Turkestan, the reaction movements gained strength and paved the way for the rise of Osman Batur.

Osman Batur was declared the khan of the Altai Cossacks with the demonstration held in Bulgin on July 22, 1943. By 1945, the control of several places in East Turkestan was in the hands of the Turks. When situations got dangerous, Chine stepped up the pressure.

Osman Batur, who was executed in Kanambal in 1951, was captured and taken to Urumqi. In 1951, Osman Batur was captured and taken to Urumqi.

What about the problem with names?

There is an important region in East Turkestan and the real name is Kashgar. But China changed the region’s name to manipulate. China chose the name “Duncan”. The name “Kashgar” is important. For example, we say the Far East for China or the Middle East for Arap countries (also for Turkey). But the western countries prefer these, to marginalize. But Istanbul was the center of the World for many years. When the power changes side, everything changes. When a nation gets stronger, they should save their power. This is the point.

Also, perception is everything. And names are one of the important things to change the perception.

Halil Buğra Emen

Halil Buğra Emen

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