Saddam Hussein: Rise to Power, Wars, and the Tragic Fall

Saddam Huseyin was born on April 28 1937 in Tikrit in Iraq. Saddam Huseyin was Iraqian politican and Saddam Huseyin was the 5th president of Iraq. His father died before Saddam Huseyin born.
His mother gave name saddam means resisting. His mother send him to Saddam’s uncle because his mother was so poor but his uncle arrested in 1941 because his uncle rebelled against the British and failed.
(If he had successful he woudn’t arrested) after that Saddam Huseyin came back to his mother. When his uncle was released from prison, he went to his uncle to Baghdad. In 1956 Saddam Huseyin tried to enter
military academy but he failed on the exam and he join baath party in 1957. In 1959 Saddam Huseyin attempted to assassinate abdul Kerim Kasim but failed and escape from the country. he went to Syria after that
he went to Egypt and he started studying law at Cairo University. ın 1962 his political party (baath party) took the power in Iraq and he came back to Iraq. In 1962 Saddam Huseyin married with his uncle’s dauther
(Her name is Sacide Talfah) and Saddam Huseyin had 5 children from this marriage (3 girl named Rana Raghad and Hala and 2 boy named Uday and Kusay) . In 1968 baath party baath party staged a coup and seize the power
and Saddam’s cousin Ahmed Hasan El Bekr became president. In 1976 Ahmed Hasan El Bekr had a heart attack and Saddam Huseyin said that to Ahmed Hasan: You are too old for became president, resign and retire and
Ahmed Hasan El Bekr retire in June 16 1979 and Saddam Huseyin became President and Iraq became police state. In 1980 Iraq declared war to Iran and The start of the war made huseyin the sole leader of Iraq. In,
august 1986 and January 1987 Saddam Huseyin call for peace but the war and 1988 after the war Iraq had foreign debt problem but Saddam Huseyin but Saddam Hussein continued to armament. After 2 years (1990) Saddam Huseyin declared war to Kuwait.
Kuwait has a lot of oil and Iraq have economic problem Kuwatian oils could solve economic problem. February 28 1991 United States repelled Iraq from Kuwait.After nine eleven terror attack
United States declared war to Iraq in March 20 2003 and United states invaded Iraq. In April 9 2003 United States invaded Baghdad. In December 13 2003 Saddam Huseyin found in a farm house
and arrested by American soliders. In November 5 2006 Iraq court give death penalty to Saddam Huseyin. Saddam’s last words after the verdict was announced: Long live the people, long live the nation, death to the traitors, death to the invaders Allahu Akbar.
Long live the Iraqis, long live the Arab nation, death to the traitors, may you and your court go to hell. Silence for those who cannot speak! We are here for this. We are human. Criminal invaders are the enemies of humanity and their collaborators are the enemies of humanity. God is great.
In December 30 2006 Saddam Huseyin was executed by hanging( First day of eid).Saddam’s last words during execution: Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. May Allah’s blessings be upon Muhammad and his family. May God curse his enemies.
Someone in the crowd shouted, “The dictatorship has collapsed” but Saddam’s death plunged Iraq into terrorism and civil war.