
First Part: The Technology and Science In The Ottoman Empire (1299-1400)

SufismThe first scientific and philosophical activities in the Ottoman Empire begin with Dâvûd-ı Kayserî, who served as a professor at the first Ottoman madrasa, known as the İznik Madrasa, and he is considered the first Ottoman philosopher. Kayserî had a deep knowledge about religious sciences, particularly in the fields of jurisprudence and hadith. With his […]


Yavus Sultan’s Great Work: Selimname

In the Ottoman literature the Ottoman Sultans has a own part about their life kind a biyography.For example the text which one explains II.Beyazıd’s life is “Süleymannâme”. Yavuz Sultan Selim is the first person who made a biyography like that and his one’s name is “Selimnâme”. Some of the Selimnâme’s ,which includes I.Selim’s reign, were […]


The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, one of the most iconic and enduring symbols of China, is a colossal series of fortifications built over many centuries. Its construction began as early as the 7th century BC and continued for over 2,000 years. The wall was built in multiple phases by different Chinese dynasties to protect against […]


The Engineering Genius Of History: El-Cezeri

Cezeri was born Cizre in 1136. His full name was İsmâil bin er-Rezzâz el-Cezerî After finishing his school called by Camia Madrasah, he focused physics and mechanic. Cezeri was working as an chief engineer in Artuklu Palace like his father. Then he worked for Selahaddin Eyyubi. In western literature says B.C. 300 Greek mathematian Archytas […]