Who is Bediüzzaman Said Nursi?

Said Nursi was born in 1877 in The Nurs Village of The Hizan District of Bitlis. He took his name from his village. He is an important İslamic wise who is accepted as The Mujaddid of his century. He is the author of The Risale-i Nur. His father is Mirza Bey, and his mother is Lady Nuriye. He is the fourth child of a family which has seven children. He received his first education from his brother Molla (Religious wise) Abdullah.
He started his madrasa education in The Village of Tağ and carried on in approximately ten madrasas which are located in different places. In his childhood, he would do searches about everything and want to learn the truth about everything. Also, he had an amazing memorasing skill, and he would read many books. That’s why, his teacher Molla Fethullah gave him the nickname of Bediüzzaman.
The Word of Bediüzzaman means “The Unique Beauty of The Time”. Not only Said Nursi, his siblings were a wise too. For instance, his sister which was living in Damascus was married to a wise. He was Molla Said. While Molla Said was teaching his students, he would ask his wife about the issues which he couldn’t understand and his wife would answer without waiting. He became Hafiz in fifteen days. He finished the madrasa education in three months which is normally finished in fifteen years. Also, he learnt the basics of History, Geography, Math, Geology, Physics, Pharmacy, Astronomy, Philosophy etc. and without any teacher. He has never married.
He was so sensitive about his worships. Duo and dhikr was important for him. He was a brave person. His friends which were with him in The World War 1 said he was always fighting in the front and he was riding horse well. He did not have just the knowledge of religious sciences, he also had the knowledge of other sciences. With the intrigues of the secret irreligion committee, he spent 34 years in prisons and exiles, and he wrote The Risale-I Nur in this difficult, cruelty and torture time. He was poisoned 21 times by the secret irreligion and committee. That is all fort his article. See you in the next article.