Alihan Tore Saguni

Alihan Töre was born in Tokmak,Kyrgyzstan(1885). He was educated at the madrasas of ıslamıc centres in Makkah,Madina and Buhara.
He fought againts Tsardom Russia’s invade of Turkhistan between 1914 and 1916. At the outbreak of the First World War he warned his people not to fight againts Ottoman soldiers. Afterwards he was arrested for six times. When he was released he emigrated to Gulca, the city of Eastern Turkhistan where he was arrested by Chinese officers and later on sentenced to life imprisonment because of his liberty propagandas (1937).
After 4 years in jail he was released in october 12, 1944 The Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkhistan was established by the victory of Gulca. Alıhan Tore Saguni was chosen as first president of The Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkhistan.In 1946 he was taken away by USSR with the partnership of Stalin and Mao. The army of China invaded turkhistan in 1949 and Alihan Töre stayed in Tashkent under house arrest until his death in february 28 1976.
He wrote “Turkistan Kaygısı”, “Tarih i Muhammedi”, Sifaü’l-ilel” and also he could speak Arabic ,Persian, Kazakh, Dungan, Turkish,Uzbek,Kyrgyz, Tajik ,Uigur, and Tatar languages well
In his life time.
Rest in Peace “Wise Wolf of Turkhistan”.