
The Engineering Genius Of History: El-Cezeri

Cezeri was born Cizre in 1136. His full name was İsmâil bin er-Rezzâz el-Cezerî After finishing his school called by Camia Madrasah, he focused physics and mechanic. Cezeri was working as an chief engineer in Artuklu Palace like his father. Then he worked for Selahaddin Eyyubi.

In western literature says B.C. 300 Greek mathematian Archytas did a steam powered pigeon but oldest written evidence about robotic it belongs to Cezeri. In world science, he do a lot of things abot cybernetics and robotic science. He also founder of cybernetics science. He writed about the, which shows the principles of use and benefits of more than 50 devices with drawings.

The book called (El Câmi-u’l Beyn’el İlmî ve El-Amelî’en Nâfi fî Sınâ’ati’l Hiyel). Another method that Cezeri used was to construct paper models of the devices he was going to make and to benefit from the rules of geometry. About 600 years before the automatic weaving loom of the French mechanic Jacquard, considered the first of the automatically controlled machines, Cezeri developed an automatic maid that decides when to pour water and when to serve fruit and beverages according to the level of water in different chambers. One of Cezeri’s most important contributions to automation is that it creates a self-balancing and adjusting balance by utilizing the effect of water power and pressure after self-operating automatic systems.

Veli Meral

Veli Meral

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